Team Westholm Racing Stable was created by Jörgen Westholm (born in 1972). Jörgen has always been interested in how to find a champion in a young horse. Therefor he has put a lot of work in looking at as many yearlings as possible through the years. This great work has given good results to the horse owners. They have been able to buy horses to low prizes, horses which have earned good money on the racetracks. Among these horses that Jörgens has found as yearlings are Steinlager, Super Light, Criks Hurricane, Rite on Track, Annicka. 

How to find the right horse
We are specialized in finding yearlings with good “body proportions”. To find these horses we try to visit as many auctions and breeders as possible in Sweden and France. 

Good team work
To be able to compete among the world’s best horses it’s important to have a good team that takes care of the horses. In Team Westholm we try to improve our team work and competence with different kinds of education. We’re co-operating with Stig Wiklund, mental coach, who also work with the Swedish Olympic team. 

Horse owners
In Team Westholm we work hard with our clients. Our goal is that our horses make more money on the race tracks than they cost the horse owners. In Team Westholm you are always welcome to see your horse train. We also organize special activities like the Prix d’Amerique dinner, training nights, partys and educations.